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Frequently Asked Questions

What areas do you cover?


We cover Stanley, Consett, Chester-Le-Street, down to Durham and everywhere in between. If you are slightly outside of our area of operation get in touch! We’d love to try and accommodate you.


Take a look at our map on the home page for specific areas

Do you charge for travel time?


No, your payment includes travel time, if we over-run on time (walking for a little longer than booking) you will not be charged extra.

Where will you walk my dog?


We have a range of amazing locations to take your dog, ranging from nature reserves, woodlands and if you book a doggy day trip, we may even head over to the beach!

Will my dog only be walked by one person?


Your dog will be walked by both of us at the same time! We started this dog walking business because we love walking in nature together, this is great for your dog as they get plenty of attention from the both of us.

How many dogs are in a group walk?


Each group walk can have up to 6 dogs, this means that your dog will make lots and lots of friends, whilst being safe and supervised.

What safety measures are in place for my dog?


Safety is a top priority, we have a range of safety measures to ensure your dog is looked after properly, some of these are listed below


  • Secure transport with dog crates

  • Fully insured (public liability, key holding, care, custody and control and more!)

  • Your key will be kept securely and will only be labled with your dog's name

  • CRB / DBS checked

  • Canine first aid trained

  • We carry a dog first aid kit

In the highly unlikely event of an outside dog attacking our pack, we carry a dog-spray designed to immediately prevent/stop an attack without causing long-lasting effects to the aggressive dog.

Will you walk my dog on-lead or off-lead?


We will discuss this with you in your welcome meeting, IF you are happy with your dog being walked off-lead, we will only do this when a bond has been formed and we are comfortable with doing so.


If your dog is not able to come off lead, we are equipped with 50ft leads so that your dog can play fetch or just have a run around, whilst still being attached to us.

Will my dog make a mess when they get home?


No, we are equipped with a portable shower, drying coats and other extras, whilst we can’t give your dog a full pamper, we will ensure that there is no muddy footprints on your carpets!

Do I need to be home when you pickup/drop off my dog?


No, we will take a spare key for your property and label it with only your dogs name, your key can not be identified to your property and will be kept securely. We are fully insured to carry it!

What does a welcome meeting involve?


A welcome meeting is an opportunity for you and your dog to meet us! We will sign any necessary documents, have a play with your dog, give you access to your customer portal and give you the chance to ask any questions!


Your welcome meeting should not take long and is free of charge

When do I pay?


Our invoices are defaulted to weekly in arrears, this means that you will pay for the services you have received during the week, on a weekly basis.


We have a variety of different payment schedules available for you so if you would prefer a different payment schedule let us know!

25% OFF YOUR FIRST 2 WEEKS - Limited Time Deal*

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